“Tees Valley New Creatives is a valuable contributor to talent development and retention for the region.  What an impressive collection of artists, committed to developing their work in the Tees Valley.”

– Sir Nick Serota, Chair of Arts Council England



Tees Valley New Creatives (TVNC) is a ground-breaking, highly connected and industry recognised network of career launching support; helping newly trained professionals expand their potential, secure work, and unlock new opportunities in their creative field.

TVNC members are an explosive powerhouse of bold new talent in diverse creative fields – from visual artists, production designers, writers, performing artists, film makers, creative media specialists and directors; to technicians, events and festivals creatives, stage managers, facilitators and qualified teachers.

TVNC offers members access to regular talks with industry experts, exclusive commissions, social events, dedicated social media platforms, career clinics, paid internships, creative career coaching, CPD bursaries, introductions to creative sector employers, specialist workshops, supported promotional opportunities, TVNC Talent Directory profile hosting, and access to professional resources; whilst sharing career opportunities and introductions via our connections within the sector.



Since Tees Valley New Creatives launched:

  • We have worked with 140+ creative sector employers and stakeholders, alongside the main HE providers in the region, to actively reduce the gap between creative training and employment.
  • Over 85 members have secured paid employment in the creative and cultural industries, predominately in the Tees Valley
  • 170+ paid professional opportunities and commissions have been secured by TVNC members; from creating productions for Stockton International Riverside Festival, to securing work in the costume department for the official UK tour of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie.
  • 20 members have created successful business start-ups ranging from theatre companies and online stores selling self-created work, to a film and media company


“As soon as I joined TVNC, it gave me opportunity after opportunity and really started my career.”

– Kieran Barker, Actor and Theatre Maker




Membership is free for the first two years, and open to those who:

  • Trained in ANY creative specialism, as part of the Class of 2020 onwards
  • Trained in, or live in the Tees Valley
  • Are over 18 and no longer in full-time education
  • Are ready to work in the creative industries



Become a Tees Valley New Creatives member and unlock opportunities to boost your creative career:

sign up here



Follow us on social media

Instagram   LinkedIn   Facebook (members only)

To find out more about Tees Valley New Creatives or access downloadable documents for sector employers and members, visit www.arconline.co.uk/tvnc

Have a question, creative opportunity, or want to connect further?  We’d love to hear from you at tvnc@arconline.co.uk