Directory Borbala Iszlai Costume Designer and Maker

Borbala Iszlai


Costume Designer and Maker

Based in: Hartlepool

As a designer and maker, Borbala Iszlai believes costume design is about making something that works for the body, for that specific person playing that specific role. Borbala really loves working with costumes that are stylized and that can be pushed to break some rules.
Before tapping into the world of costume design, Borbala studied fine arts, which hugely influenced her way of looking at clothes. Be that historical or contemporary, for film or theatre, costume is her canvas. The fabric or material will lead to what the silhouette and shape is going to be alongside the character.
In terms of genre, there is no limit.  In the last year, Borbala has worked on metal music videos, children’s TV Dramas and theatre pieces.
Her aim with each role and project is both to push herself and create the best result for the director’s vision.
Borbala believes that whether you are a writer, a painter, or a designer, you should be pushing yourself to achieve more. That’s when it’s exciting.